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NEW - In 2016 the 2-4-8 Tax Blend will become 2-4-8 Tax Choice
The "choice" would allow all taxpayers to choose an income tax rate between 8% and 28% paired with a net wealth tax rate of 2% going down to zero. Wealth taxes paid would reduce Estate and Gift taxes (also set at 28%). This would encourage wealthy individuals to pay some net wealth taxes as a form of inexpensive life insurance.


C - Corp
4% VAT
8% Income

Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2012
Tax Justice Network: Wealth Held in Tax Havens Skyrockets
by John D. McKinnon

... A new report estimates that the amount of wealth tucked away in offshore accounts is far larger than previously imagined.

... the liberal Tax Justice Network focuses on the problem of unreported wealth for developing countries, it also could become part of the heated political debate going on in the U.S. over purported tax avoidance by the wealthy. ... Democrats also are hoping to tag Mitt Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, as a possible tax-haven abuser

... unreported offshore wealth held in tax havens has reached at least $21 trillion, and possibly as much as $32 trillion.

2-4-8 Response

Congress needs to replace the payroll taxes with a 2% net wealth tax.

It will create millions of jobs with no government spending and stabilize the economy (and Social Security and Medicare).

The U.S. can tax assets regardless of the country they are in … and that is the real reason Mr. Romney wants a territorial tax system.

The Republicans don’t want a 4% VAT and 8% corporate income tax rate … because they love tax loopholes like deferral of foreign income.




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Spread the word: Please let Congress know you want them to consider the 2-4-8 Tax Blend by simply tweeting "TaxNetWealth.com" or by copying any basic description and sending, faxing, or emailing it to at least one representative from each political party. Many representatives will only accept email through their individual websites.

Copyright 1985 to 2015 by Eugene Patrick Devany